There’s a reason road rage is a real thing. It is normal to believe everyone else on the road is a terrible driver except for you but sometimes people give you enough reason to lose your head!
We work hard, we party hard, we love getting places but to actually get there we need to brave dreaded traffic and worse, drivers with bad etiquette. If you drive regularly or spend enough time travelling, we are pretty sure you will share our frustration on more than one point! Here is a list of the 10 most annoying things people do while driving:1. Texting/Calling While Driving
Apart from the fact that it is illegal, texting while driving is the most idiotic thing a person is capable of doing. Here’s a thought – if it is that important, pull over, get done with it and stop endangering the lives of those with superior intellect.
2. The Indicator Hater
The indicator isn’t for putting your car in the mood for disco, you repugnant fool! Just remember, everytime you swerve in front of someone without turning the indicator on, a brain cell will spontaneously combust.
The indicator isn’t for putting your car in the mood for disco, you repugnant fool! Just remember, everytime you swerve in front of someone without turning the indicator on, a brain cell will spontaneously combust.
3. The Headlight Fiend
Hey! Are you channeling the sun? No? Then why, in name of all things sensible, are your headlights on? If you’re craving bling, just get a Bappi bobblehead for your car and spare the rest of us.
4. The High Beamer
We, earnestly, believe that people who turn on the high beam, especially when it isn’t required, are the scum of the earth. Why would you try to effectively blind everyone in the opposite lane? Embrace your brain. It maybe a welcome change.
5. Grandma driving
If you insist on driving on the road, where there are actually people who want to get someplace, put the pedal to the metal. Stop playing mind games! Don’t you like being a part of society?
6. The daredevil swerver
Wow, you have a fast car? Go and get with Tracy Chapman, leave us alone! The ying to the yang of grandma driver, the daredevil swerver is the douchebag who thinks accelerating in traffic will get him laid. The only place you will get laid is six feet under!
7. Oh please stop that party!
You paid for your car’s speakers because they were meant for you. If they were meant for the community, we would’ve dropped of a cheque. Do the world a favour and turn the volume down. Nobody cares if you have an undying love for Babydoll Volume 1 to 4.
8. The Honker
One needs to be clinically insane to use the car/bike horn incessantly. Just like assaulting an elevator button doesn’t make it come faster; honking will not make people move faster. It’s called traffic. Relax.
9. The Indecisive Driver
Hey! Here’s a thought – how about figuring out where you want to go before actually getting in to the car or you know, GPS! You can either go left, right or straight – it isn’t that difficult, stop ruining life for the rest of us.
10. The Parking Lot Thief
There’s a special place in hell reserved for those who steal parking spaces. Here’s a rule to remember – if someone has circled the area or is backing up in to the spot, stay the f#ck away from it!
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